Climbing that Career Mountain - 4 sites to check out!

As a Ratchet Professional, I am frequently looking for ways to improve my professional and interpersonal skills, expand my knowledge base, and basically learn new things that will make me an awesome individual. Part of that, involves networking and exploring sites that offer great advice on professional development, personal growth, and building a career (and lifestyle) you love. I appreciate the advice and suggestions of those who walked a similar path; who overcame significant obstacles; or those who were trailblazers in their fields. There’s real value in advice based on a foundation of experience.

The following sites offer a community filled with those coming up, those who are trucking right along  in phase 2 or 3 or 4 of their journey, and those who have reached the peak and want to lend a helping hand to those coming up the mountain:

Bossed Up is a community of professional and entrepreneurial women, founded by Emilie Aries. Emilie's goal was to create a place where women "can write their own come-up story with a squad of boss women supporting them every step of the way". That sounds BOMB! I've been a member for over six months and the information, resources, emails from Bossed Up has helped to improve my confidence. Each month there's a calendar of tasks and activities to help build professional and personal skills as well as inspire creativity. There's also boot camps held around the country where like minded women get together to support and empower each other while attending professional & personal development trainings. The monthly calendar of activities have been useful in helping me focus on areas where I can improve.

LEVO is a professional development community, that considers itself the "Network for Millennials in the workplace" and provides articles and "arms you with the tools to develop your talent, build connections, and stay inspired day in and day out as you grow and develop. It has a feel similar to LinkedIn and allows you to connect with like minded or similarly situated professionals. The articles have helped build my confidence especially when having to ask for a raise, some flexibility in my work, or even asking for more responsibility.

GirlBoss is a "community of strong, curious, and ambitious women redefining success on our own terms. Founded by serial entrepreneur Sophia Amoruso, GirlBoss hope to inform, entertain, and inspire action through the content and experiences we create." The newsletter offers great advice and tip weekly and there are various events the occur around the country.

TheSkimm is "a membership company that makes it easier to live a smarter life by integrating in the routines of female millennials by breaking down key topics, bringing interviews with the people you need to know, and making you smarter throughout your day on everything from tax policies to how to fold a fitted sheet". I love the daily newsletter that's delivered to my email daily, that keeps me abreast of what's happening in the world from a perspective I can appreciate (a little bit cheeky, yet honest & relate-able). It instantly gives me something to talk about during those awkward small talk sessions.

Check out the sites and tell me what you think. Know a site that offers great advice, send us an email & we'll check 'em out.


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